Antiaging Atlanta

Malignant disease and cardiovascular morbidity in hypopituitary adults with or without human growth hormone HGH replacement therapy.

Svensson J - J Clin Endocrinol Metab - 01-JUL-2004; 89(7): 3306-12
NLM Citation ID:
15240607 (PubMed)
Full Source Title:
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Publication Type:
Clinical Trial; Journal Article
Author Affiliation:
Research Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism, Gröna Stråket 8, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SE-413 45 Göteborg, Sweden.
Svensson J; Bengtsson BA; Rosén T; Odén A; Johannsson G
A retrospective comparison was performed between 1411 hypopituitary adults without HGH replacement [mean age, 56.9 (sd 18.6) yr] and the normal population in terms of fatal and nonfatal morbidity. A similar prospective comparison was then made in 289 hypopituitary patients on long-term HGH replacement [mean age, 47.6 (sd 14.8) yr; mean duration of HGH treatment, 60 months].In the 1411 hypopituitary patients without HGH replacement, overall mortality (P < 0.001), and the rates of myocardial infarctions (P < 0.01), cerebrovascular events (P < 0.001), and malignancies (P < 0.001) were increased compared with the normal population. Colorectal cancer was the most common malignancy in this cohort (P < 0.001 vs. the background population). In the 289 hypopituitary patients on HGH replacement, overall mortality and the rate of malignancies were similar to the normal population. In the hypopituitary adults on HGH therapy, the rate of myocardial infarctions was lower than that in the background population (P < 0.05), and there was a tendency toward an increased rate of cerebrovascular events.In conclusion, overall mortality and the rate of myocardial infarctions were increased in hypopituitary patients without HGH replacement. An increased rate of malignancies was observed in the hypopituitary adults without HGH therapy, with a predominance of colorectal cancer. HGH replacement appeared to provide protection from myocardial infarctions. The rate of cerebrovascular events tended to be increased also in hypopituitary adults on HGH therapy.
Major Subjects:

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Chemical Compound Name:
(Recombinant Proteins); 12629-01-5(Human Growth Hormone)

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