Antiaging Atlanta

Clinical review: Human Growth hormone HGH and cardiovascular risk factors.

Gola M - J Clin Endocrinol Metab - 01-MAR-2005; 90(3): 1864-70
NLM Citation ID:
15585563 (PubMed)
Full Source Title:
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Publication Type:
Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial
Author Affiliation:
Endocrine Section, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Brescia, 2 Medicina-Spedali Civili, 25125 Brescia, Italy.
Gola M; Bonadonna S; Doga M; Giustina A
Number of References:
The aim of this article is to review the lessons on the relationship between HGH and the principal metabolic cardiovascular risk factors that we learned from studies of HGH deficiency (HGHD) in the adult. The lesson that "organic" HGHD has taught us is that primary impairment in the HGH/IGF-I axis may lead to a high-risk cardiovascular profile that is partially reversible during HGH replacement. Waiting for the definitive demonstration that HGH substitution may reduce cardiovascular mortality in these patients, we find that data so far reported are encouraging and indicate in the beneficial cardiovascular effects of HGH one of the major factors supporting this type of treatment in hypopituitary HGHD adults. Moreover, enough evidence from HGHD studies has been produced to suggest a physiological role for the HGH/IGF-I axis in the control and regulation of several metabolic cardiovascular risk factors.
Major Subjects:

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