/ neutraceuticals / vitamin B-2 riboflavin
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)
Preventive Intake: 25-50 mg
- Regenerates glutathione (a powerful antioxidant).
- Aids in production of red blood cells and antibodies.
- Necessary for growth.
- Helps maintain healthy eyes and skin.
- Tissue repair.
- Needed to metabolize foodstuffs into energy.
- Used in the treatment of migraines and hypothyroidism.
- May help prevent heart disease and cataracts.
Deficiencies May Cause: Depression, dizziness, sore or burning lips/mouth/tongue, burning/ tearing/itching eyes, dermatitis (nasal, scrotal), glossitis and corneal vascularation.
Food Sources: Green leafy vegetables, meats, dairy products, grain products, seafood, nuts, seeds and legumes.